Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Journey of Another Rose of Sharon

Greetings in The LORD,may we all be showered by His peace~

"Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true."
~Acts 17:11

I have been in the service of Jesus for almost 10 years,a t 61 years of age.

I have been shunned, even hated for His Gospel~
This very Day He has sent me out on a new journey, in treacherous waters..and
I am at peace for I know His Holy Spirit is with in me,halleu Yah..

All praise-prayer s for this new venture are greatly appreciated,and as Tiny Tim in "The Chrsitams Carol" said:
"God Bless us, everyone!."

Take care~love someone today

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