Wednesday, September 5, 2012

For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kindgdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. - Colossians 1:14

While seeking for something else,I found this, and as a teacer, i saw two lessons.
The first was personal, for I often feel like a paper cup, useable but also disposable,usually crushed.
However,I walk by faith, not feel, so i gave the sadn
ess up yet again and as He took that sadness, He molded it into something new: here is what He gave me to share here:
no matter what the outside did,as flesh fails He was concerned over who is inside,and in this flash of time He reminded me He Is that Who, inside little me.
I pray this bring Comfort, even Joy to others, in the Healing Name of Jesus,amen.
~Sister Theo

Here,I know I'm not alone in this.
So now & again, The WORD gives me a Word for someone. It never fails,never. I aloud say something like this:
"You want me to say that to what to So&so???Do You not know how crazed they already think i am? Can You not get someone else??? 
Why me?? hey,You know they think ill of me..."
He Laughs.
What,you don't know He LOLs? Well then here is a 'Word' for you. You 
don't read your Bible! That's right,for if you did you also would know He LOLs! He Is LOL right now,as a matter of fact-not because you don't know, but that I am telling you you don't know. He Is LOL,I hear His Smile. His smile is audible!!
I know many say i can not do what i do for I am a woman-please, read Acts 2 and argue with God-I did not ask to be a handmaid, I simply wanted to get out of the hell I lived in,holy LOLOL-you people,I feel sad for you, terrorized of what people will say if you use words such as 'holylol'-I tell you true,it is not any person you will stand in front of-He will tell you that as you were ashamed of Him here, so He does not know you,There.
Keith ,of all folks i know here, you are very likely to be the only other one to know that yes ,unknowingly I DID ask to be a handmaid:He asked "Who will go for Us?" I said"send me,"...I didn't think he I am 'holy roller LOL on floor, have to peee.."

Father God, at times we hurt and fear letting go of that familiar pain,but we cry out "take it anyway,if it separates me from thee!"
You do,and then, the miracle!
You fill us with Your own Holy Spirit,Jesus sends His very Own Holy Ghost to help us!
Suddenly, very swift, i only felt the wind...and a glimpse of A very scarred Foot-as i lay on an operating table, in a man induced coma 12/27/2009-my April also had heard vascular surgeon say he was going to amputate my lower left leg but i

would probably not survive,probably, NOT possibly-"excuse me,I never read that in any of my Bibles" I declared..the power of even just a small measure of God given faith, invested in hope in Jesus~~~~~~~~~~~~~~``I stand on His word with 2 feet.

ThankYouLORD for all losses for You + them up into a new abundance,You take away the weeds that Your Word has more space inside me Bless You
LOL The Light of the world, went ot 'The feast of lights"<>I am one who believes that day is also His human birthday,or very near it.
For you Gentiles, The Feast of lights is now called Channukah. John 10:22-23<>This post is NOT to instigate arguments and theories ,it just makes me say 'hmmnnn..'

Good night beLoved ones~I pray i get decent sleep ;-)
"Take care
Say your prayer
Then rest in ease
Our God is pleased'


ABBA, thank You that we no longer feel we must punish and or retaliate,Your Word is Powerful.
Blessed is your Healing Name, YahShua!
~Rose and team

Thank You heavenly Father that when those we love hurt us, we know You can rejoin us when due season comes. It is in The Healing Name of Jesus we pray and thank You.Amen.
~Sister T

1 comment:

  1. He said, 'O man of high esteem, do not be afraid. Peace be with you; take courage and be courageous!' Now as soon as he spoke to me, I received strength and said, 'May my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.' - Daniel 10:19
