Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Nazarene Disciple of YahShua

The Nazirite/Nazarite vow is taken by individuals who have voluntarily dedicated themselves to God. The vow is a decision, action, and desire on the part of people whose desire is to yield themselves to God completely. By definition, the Hebrew word nazir, simply means “to be separated or consecrated.” The Nazirite vow, which appears inNumbers 6:1-21, has five features. It is voluntary, can be done by either men or women, has a specific time frame, has specific requirements and restrictions, and at its conclusion a sacrifice is offered.

First, the individual enters into this vow voluntarily~
Second, both men and women could participate in this vow, as Numbers 6:2 indicates, “a man or woman.” The Nazirite vow was often taken by men and women alike purely for personal reasons, such as thanksgiving~
Third, the vow had a specific time frame, a beginning and an end as these two statements indicate: “Throughout the period of his separation he is consecrated to the LORD... Now this is the law for the Nazirite when the period of his separation is over” (Numbers 6:8,13a). So, the Nazirite vow usually had both a beginning and an end. 

Fourth, there were specific guidelines and restrictions involved with the Nazirite vow. Three guidelines are given to the Nazirite. Numbers 6:3-7

Although the Nazirite vow is an Old Testament concept, there is a New Testament parallel to the Nazirite vow. In Romans 12:1-2 Paul states, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” For Christians, the ancient Nazirite vow symbolizes the need to be separate from this world, a holy people consecrated to God (2 Timothy 1:91 Peter 1:15)

Who I was~

Who The Holy Spirit of G-D recreates me,in The Creative  Name of Jesus~

"The glory which You have given Me I have given to them ,that they may be one 
just as We Are One."~Jesus The Nazarene~

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'Y'varekh'kha ADONAI v'yishmerekha. [May ADONAI bless you and keep you.]  Ya'er ADONAI panav eleikha vichunekka. [May ADONAI make his face shine on you and show you his favor.]  Yissa ADONAI panav eleikha v'yasem l'kha shalom. [May ADONAI lift up his face toward you and give you peace.]'  

In His Service
~Sister ShariRose~


1 comment:

  1. Praying with Holy Boldness that this may witness to someone the Power of The Healing Name of Jesus,my Savior and Brother in Arms
